15 Awesome Books That Have Made a Difference in My Life

You are very different from me but it’s very likely that we do have one thing in common, a love for learning. Finding a good book to read can be a challenge.

I’m always interested in what others have found meaningful and helpful, so I thought I’d pay it forward by letting you have a peek at some of the books that have molded my life and thoughts.

In this Video:

00:50 – 3 Books on Mind and Spirit
02:03 – 4 Books on Communication, Relationships, and Love
03:52 – 2 Books on Money and Business
04:45 – 6 Personal Development/Success
06:43 – Quote from – Vera Nazarian
07:00 – Affirmation to Move You Forward

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How To Be Free From The Weakening Effects Of Stress Now

Stress get’s a lot of blame for a crazy number of illnesses leading to death. Sounds impossible to think that what we believe about the effects of stress, could be listed as the 15th leading cause of death in America. *

That means that what people think about the effects of stress is possibly killing more people than skin cancer, HIV, and homicide. *

In this Video:

00:20 – Fill in the blank “This stress is _____ me.”
00:28 – Would Divorce Do this to You?
01:28 – Tony Robbins’ new book
02:03 – Dr. Kelly McGonigal’s Confession
02:35 – If You Exercise You’ll Get This
03:04 – Live Longer With This Mental Switch
03:36 – Change Your Story From a Life of 50 years to 90
04:16 – Quote from Stephen Covey
04:34 – Affirmation to Help Convert Stress
04:45 – P.S. 2 Types of People on Rollercoasters

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How To Supercharge Your Goals Engaging Your Subconscious

Too many people sit around trying to use positive thinking to reach their goal or achieve financial success. Positive thinking is great but you need follow it through with action.

Even then, you may have made the mistake I did in taking action and using power of affirmations to move forward as you put your plans into effect.

In this Video:

00:05 – Don’t Make the Mistake I Made
02:30 – 6 Steps To Reaching Your Goal (Financial Freedom?)
04:18 – Three Essential Ingredients
04:46 – Getting Started
04:38 – Quote from Claude M. Bristol
05:14 – Affirmation to Help You Move Forward

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6 Ways You Want to Rejuvenate Your Spirit

I was recently turned on to a TV series I had not yet seen. What do you think happened next? Yep, I went into binge watching mode. There is just something about getting caught up to the current episode and getting caught up by the series itself.

Something happened over those days, when I filled the spare moments and down time with watching. It seemed to take over more that just my spare time. Oh, I was having a great time in the play arena, and isn’t that an important part of self-care and work/life balance?


“Aha!” Moments of 16 Achievers – Are You Next? [Infographic]

Oprah has made “Aha!” moments famous, but what really are “Aha!” moments? Perhaps you’ve had one of your own, or maybe several.

Notice how some of the aha moments in this infographic where experienced when people where faced with a difficulty which they didn’t allow to stop them. In fact, it was the opposite, they used it to move in a new direction. They not only overcame the difficulty for themselves but they also helped others in the process.


(Images) 17 Love Quotes to Take You Deeper

With all the buzz about love, I thought of seeing what Google had to say. Considering a picture is worth a thousand words, I simply typed love in my search for images. Here’s a screenshot of the results. Does Google take love to only be the romantic love between two people who love each other? Well, it does seem to be the dominant view.

As I scrolled down in my search (17 mouse scrolls to be exact) the theme didn’t change much. I believe the love between two people who love each other is a wonderful thing. It’s been attributed as a key to a success in life by many of the greats throughout history. In fact, experiencing it at some point in life is an essential part of a rich full existence, but how about some of the other, less talked about, aspects of love.

Consider some of the alternative images of love I found as I searched a little deeper. (more…)

6 Steps You Can Use to Turn Your Desire into Reality

Did your parents tell you to be content with what you have, when you were growing up? Mine did and I know they meant well. Sometimes people ask, “Why can’t you just be happy with your job?” or career, income, status, etc. That desire in your gut is an often misunderstood and maligned part of the healthy you.

Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s essential to be content with what we have. I strongly believe showing gratitude for all the good in our lives is a must if we are continue receiving. However, it is my belief that, to quell desire on its existence alone is a mistake, if we are to grow, develop, and reach our full potential. (more…)

Feeling Sexy? Fire Up Your Genius

Yep, there’s more to do with that sexy feeling than… well, you know. Great fun and pleasure! And in addition to nurturing your intimate relationship, it can actually transform your work, activate your creativity and yes even impact your bank account. Sounds more like a turn off. I know! But hear me out.

Those days after a great date or an intimate night with our lover or significant other can be some of the best days of our lives. I know I’ve had incredibly productive days in that state. Walking on cloud 9. I don’t need to convince you of that. I’m sure you’ve experienced it for yourself.

This, often misunderstood, aspect of our lives provides us with an invaluable resource. In his landmark book Napoleon Hill made an incredible connection between sexuality and our mental faculties. He said:

The human mind responds to stimuli, through which it may be “keyed up” to high rates of vibration, known as enthusiasm, creative imagination, intense desire, etc.

He listed 10 mental stimulants in his book Think and Grow Rich. At the top of the list, as the most powerful, is sex, followed by others which included, love, music and auto-suggestion, also known as affirmations.

What these things do is, increase the frequency of the vibration of the mind. Viola, you are connected to new thoughts and potential, a genius state if you will, otherwise inaccessible in your ordinary state of mind.

Sex desire is the most powerful of human desires. When driven by this desire,

[people] develop