Success is not a destination. The following definition made me so happy when I first heard it years ago: “Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal.”
It’s being in the process, the journey that qualifies you as successful or not. To many people give up and don’t do anything because it looks to difficult.
In this Video:
00:18 – Is This a Guy/Girl Thing?
01:06 – It’s Starts Out With These Things You Do About Others
02:30 – Don’t Be Stingy With This One
03:13 – Use This If You’re New To Goal Setting
04:02 – Do You Know What Transformational Means?
04:22 – Quote from – Arnold H. Glasow
04:37- Affirmation to Move You Forward
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I have a topic that I know a lot of people are interested in. There is this infographic, you have seen it, it’s been around all over the Internet and you have probably come across your Facebook couple of times.
Is This a Guy/Girl Thing?
It’s very motivating, it’s very interesting. You look at it and you compare. …I am not crazy about the fact that they put a girl as successful and the guy as not successful. I don’t think it’s intended that way at all, but that was just funny.
Okay the thing is you look at that and you probably wonder well how do I do these things, what are things that I can do, how do I incorporate them into my life?
What I am here to tell you today is that I have several posts that you can go to if you go to my website and you can check the posts out. Just click on the link.
Go to the website and you’re going to find all the ones that I have created posted teach you just how to do those things that make for successful people.
Okay, I haven’t done posts on all of them, but this is something that I realize hey that would be a great idea to complete this list. And there are seventeen on this infographic, the 17 areas that lead to a successful life, they are these.
[offer-box href=”” linktext=”Reminder: Have you checked out my book? I just released “So? Start Over!: Experience Clarity, Do What Matters, Live Your Dream” which includes worksheets, cheatsheets, and bonus material. Click here to check it out!” securecheckout=”true” footnote=”Get It on Amazon”]It’s Starts Out With These Things You Do About Others
- We’ve got compliments, COMPLIMENT people. Wow.
- Have a sense of gratitude. GRATITUDE is not just being grateful for the day, be grateful for people, really expressive, be open about it.
- Then we have FORGIVENESS.
- One of the other areas is accepting RESPONSIBILITY for your failures. The trouble is a lot of us don’t even want to admit that we fail or we want to avoid failure. Failure is not all that bad. I have several great posts on the topic of failure, not necessarily on accepting it, but you can check those out.
The Truth About How Failure Changes Everything
Are You Stuck in a Mess You Made? So? Start Over!
How to Use Mistakes to Supercharge Your Learning
5 Things Winners Do When Bad Things Happen[/callout]
- And then we have give others the CREDIT for their wins and their victories.
- And now another one is keep a journal. I have a great post on that one. Actually I have a few that talk about that so be sure to check those out here.
5 Journaling Benefits You May Want to Experience
2 Things to Remember People Make You Angry
6 Morning Hacks You May Want to Know About[/callout]
- The next one is READ every day. Make it a goal in your life to just have a book that you are always interested in working through and that you’re going to be learning from. Sometimes it’s just an inspirational book but in those moments of inspiration, other things and other growth occurs.
- And the next one is you really want to honestly desire for OTHER people to succeed. Okay, a successful person needs to draw success by seeing success as good in others around them, not just in themselves. It’s not an egotistical thing.
- Another one is, talk about IDEAS, talk about ideas, make ideas a part of your conversation, bring them into your life and it keeps ideas flowing for things that you can do, new solutions to problems, ways that you can handle things. It’s so wonderful.
- The other one is read and then readily SHARE information, share data. Don’t keep things to yourself. I mean that’s a wonderful thing that I have been experiencing in the years that I have been blogging is just being able to share these things. It’s wonderful to see it affect other people’s lives.
- Now this one is a nice one, I think it’s quite interesting and that is keep a “To BE” list. How about that? Not just a “To do” list, but a “To be” list. Who am I going to be? What am I going to be? Bear with me, there are just a couple more, moving on.
- Exude joy, be a happy person. People want to do business with, people want to interact with, people want to help people who are HAPPY okay. So let that joy show in your life, on your face, smile when you see people, greet people with kindness and you’re going to see how that links directly to your success in a big way.
- The next one is set GOALS and develop PLANS. I have some great posts on that if you want to know how to do it, one of the most helpful ones is it’s a very easy way to get a grasp on those and it is set smart goals. (Learn about SMART goals here.) Once you get that habit, then you won’t need the acronym smart goals anymore but it’s a good place to start.
How to Stop Struggling to Reach Your Goals
7 Keys to Rekindle Your Passion to Reach For Your Goals in Life
How to Reevaluate Your Plan to Reach Your Goals and Dreams
So You Want to Reach Your Personal Goals? Borrow This Coaching Secret
Make Emotionally Strong SMART Goals Rock
Align These 3 Things and Succeed Faster
4 Keys to Start Celebrating Real Personal Goal Wins[/callout]
- This one is a huge one and even for me on to this day it’s still a challenge but I know from my life and from experience that CHANGE is always good and learn to accept and embrace change.
- And now this one is a keep a “To do” and a project list. But there is a secret to “To do’s” and projects and I’m going to put a link to a post about how to choose the projects, the specific projects for the next day so that you’re not overwhelmed by a large “To do” list but you’re able to FOCUS on the high priorities.
6 Simple Steps for Creating Laser Focus Using Lists[/callout]
- I love this one, continuously LEARN, just keep learning, learn, learn, learn. Courses, seminars, online, go to meetings and of course reading, just keep learning and growing.
- And the last one is, operate from a transformational perspective. I’ll be honest with you, I’m not even sure exactly what that means, but I have a feeling that it has got something to do with the butterfly and the caterpillar. You need to be in a perspective that you may be TRANSFORMING, becoming something new, something completely different.
All right, now here’s your quote for today on success and failure:
[shareable cite=”Arnold H. Glasow”]Success is simple, do what’s right the right way at the right time. #quote[/shareable]Okay, now here’s your affirmation. Posted on your mirror or by your bed, keep it handy, say it in the morning when you first wake up, really internalize it, feel it and picture yourself being this person:
[shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]Success, achievement and abundance seem to flow into my life effortlessly #affirmation[/shareable]