Are you sticking with what you know and staying away from committing to goals that are too, WOW? But wait a minute, then there were those huge goals you did set but just flaked out on in the end.

I’m no fool I know there are hurdles to achieving anything that is really gonna be worth your bottom dollar. So what are some of them? Know the challenges is a great way to being able to handle them with skill.

In this Video:

00:20 – A Hobby of Mine
00:55 – An Analogy For Setting Goals and Working Toward Them
01:48 – Should Goals Be Overwhelming?
02:00 – A Secret Many People Miss
02:36 – Why Some People Quit Before They Start
03:00 – Instead of Figuring Everything Out Try This
04:15 – When You Just Can’t Clearly See What to Do
05:10 – What if You Have to Stop Sometimes
06:10 – Going Solo or Getting Help
07:02 – Quote from John Maxwell
07:26 – Affirmation to Help You Move Forward

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Today I want to talk about something that I really have a lot of fun with; I love puzzles. I love all the little bits and pieces, and putting them all together.

I am not so crazy about the different types (3D, Spheres, etc.) just the more traditional flat ones.

I like a pretty picture. I like a lot of detail. I like a lot of pieces. I want something that is going to take time.

I find that for me it is just a way of de-stressing, maybe you have another hobby that you like to de-stress with.

Puzzles are my thing and I am really into them.

Today, I have six seven life lessons that you can use from puzzles and apply setting goals and reaching the goals in your life.

Actually, our whole life is like a puzzle, if you think about it. We are all just different parts and pieces of a bigger puzzle.

An Analogy For Setting Goals and Working Toward Them

For the sake of simplicity I am going to narrow it down into setting goals and working towards something.

So here goes!

1. When you pick a goal, when you pick a puzzle, pick one that challenges you.

Maybe for a toddler you need a 12 piece puzzle. They’re just learning how to do it. Their mind isn’t that developed or that skilled at it but as you get older, as you grow, as you learn and experience more, you start to realize you can take on more, you can do more.

Recently I bought two I will show you some pictures on Facebook so you can see what I am playing with.

Good morning! Your GOALS are like a puzzle. ☕️ Some parts are easy, like the sides and corners. Tackle what you KNOW and what you can see. The rest will come in time. ⛅️

Posted by Abe Stone on Thursday, August 20, 2015

Work with something that is going to challenge you.

I bought one that is a thousand pieces, I did one that is five hundred pieces a couple of months ago.

I felt, “I want a bigger challenge.” So, the next one was a thousand and now I have a bigger box of three thousand waiting to be opened once I am done with the one of one thousand.

Goals need to be like that. They need to be challenging.

They need to be a bit overwhelming in a way so that it is pushing you, and it’s exercising  you, and developing your talent, your skill and your drive.

It’s gotta be exciting.

[shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]A goal needs to be a bit overwhelming in a way, so that it is pushing you, and developing your talent, skill and drive.[/shareable]

2. The second lesson that I get from puzzles is, it’s got to be something that you really look forward to seeing completed.

What if you are just making a puzzle of a car and you are not into cars. Maybe it is a Barbie and, ‘I don’t want to make a picture of a barbie.”

I bought beautiful nature sceneries of outdoors. I just love the outdoors.

Find something that really going to turn you on and you’re going to enjoy the results.

This is another key for when working with goals, work toward something that you really love, you really desire.

Don’t do it because you have to or because it’s a chore, find something that you can be passionate about.

3. Okay, now this is a big one, especially when you haven’t gotten into puzzles before, but with goals, do not get overwhelmed before you get started.

You might pick up that box and say, “Oh my, look at all the details. I am never going to finish that. Wow, it is a thousand pieces. I have never done a thousand pieces. I’ve never done three thousand pieces.”

Do not think about the details at all. Just get there and do it, don’t be slowed down by the difficulty.

4. Once you get started, once you get that box open and get going, once you sit down and decide you are going to do something and start work towards it, you need to start by just finding something that you can right away.

A lot of people, want to wait until they have it all figure it out, they want to do this or do that, and they are procrastinating. (Read Awaken the Giant Within)

No, just get in there. You don’t need to have every color sorted out, and every piece sorted out. Just look for the sides and start putting all the sides together. Start putting all the corners in place.

“Oh, look”, you found that this section is yellow. “Oh, there is a yellow piece”, and it starts to take form as you go.

Do not wait until you have it all set aside, this is that color, this is that color, no.

Do not look at your goals that way, just get in there and start doing something, start taking massive action right away and that is how you are going to find that the path to your goals is going to become clear.

[shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]Start taking massive action toward you goal right away and that is how the path to your goals is going to become clear.[/shareable]

You may not know how you are going to get there in the end, but you know, “Yeah, maybe I am not going to work on this piece or maybe I’m going to end up working on that piece or this piece.” It doesn’t matter.

The point is the goal is going to be reached. Do not wait, and start going for it. Start going for what you know.

Actually I just realized that I got seven lessons about puzzles.

Now, we are at number five.

5. When you get to those points, in working towards your gaol, and you find that things aren’t clear, when you are working  on that puzzle and you have a bunch of sky, not a cloud on the sky, you need to stop, you need to take time to really think and really reflect on the details of the situation.

Do not get scared by it. Don’t get overwhelmed by it and just put it aside and walk away. No, take time to look a little closer. Take time to study.

When I look at the puzzles, for example, they the have the little pieces sticking out, the shoulders, I call them.  Are the shoulders going up and perky or are they a little saggy? Sometimes the little knob is bigger or it’s smaller.

There are so many details in the shape, even if the color are the same.

You can see a lot of detail if you pay attention and take time to really think and observe the situation.

Your goals are the same. Sometimes you just have to go slower and it’s not gonna be as fast or as easy, but you are going to find solutions.

Alright, so here is number six, this is a big one.

6. A lot of people get all excited, they pull out the box, they get it going, they start doing it. Then suddenly they hit the rough spot, they don’t know what to do. It’s so confusing. They are looking at it, trying to get into it.

Goals are the same way. You’re gonna hit those moments were you don’t have time work on it. Then something comes up, an illness, a family emergency, or your boss requires you to do something that is not really in line where you were heading.

Its okay. Step away from the puzzle. It is going to be there when you come back to it.

But, remember, give it a special place in your life.

I like to set up a tape and it’s permanent. I’m not gonna be sliding something around and loosing pieces. I have a corner in my house where it is just dedicated to the puzzle and I know that I am going to get back to it.

Goals are the same way, you have got them written down. They have a special place either in your agenda, in your journal, or wherever it is.

It is there for you to come back and continue working through it, when you are ready.

Alright so here is number seven.

7. Find friends, find people who can support you along your journey.

[shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]Find friends, find people who can support you along your journey to you goals.[/shareable]

I like making puzzles on my own. I like having a glass of wine, sitting down in the evening, I turn some music on, I just relax and I study it.

But it is fun to have friends over to help me. We put it in a different perspective. We can talk, we can enjoy the journey together. We can reach the goal. They can support me in reaching that goal. It’s a lot more satisfying when you do things with others.

There are those moments when you want to do it on your own, then there are those moments where you might need someone.

Be sure to include other people, and to get other people’s help, maybe a mentor, maybe it’s a coach. Maybe it’s just a friend, a listening ear, when you are looking at your goals and you’re trying to find a solution.

Maybe you just can see it and you need to turn the picture upside down and get a new perspective.

But that is enough of the analogy of  puzzles and goals.

Here’s your quote for the day.

[shareable cite=”John C. Maxwell”]Children astound me with their inquisitive minds. The world is wide and mysterious to them, and as they piece together the puzzle of life, they ask ‘Why?’ ceaselessly. [/shareable]

Keep reaching towards your goals and keep that amazement, keep your options open, go get them!

The affirmation for the day is:

[shareable]I joyfully handle any situation that presents itself as I move forward in my life path. #affirmation[/shareable] [shareable]I welcome change and love the challenges that are connected.#affirmation[/shareable]

I hope this short video was fun and give you new perspective in working on goals and I hope the elements can make you successful towards your goals.