There’s a reason I’m listening to the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade on TV in the background as a sit here writing you. I’m waiting for niece to show up there. She is playing in a marching band for one of ten schools chosen nationwide to play this year in New York City.
Being an expat and living practically most of my life away from my home has disconnected me from many of the traditions of my country of birth.
Moving back with my children, to live around my family now, has made me so thankful for them. We can sometimes FORGETÂ how blessed we are, unless we have simple REMINDERSÂ to reconnect us to those special things.
Thanksgiving is one of those awesome holidays that can reconnect us to what is important in life if we LET IT.
I was talking with someone yesterday and they told me about the disappointment their son has experienced. He is married and has begun celebrating Thanksgiving with at wife’s family’s home. Unlike his family, they do not have a tradition of talking about or REFLECTING on what they are thankful for.
I hope that is not the case for you and your loved ones. TALKÂ about what you are thankful for, even if it’s just for a MOMENTÂ in your day or over dinner TODAY.
[shareable text=”Abe Stone”]It’s the moments of GRATITUDE that attract more of what you want into your life.[/shareable]
The parade is understandably a big event for my sister, her husband, and their daughter, but the most beautiful thing is seeing their closeness and support of each other.
I’m thankful for my family!
I’m thankful for YOU!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Enjoy and share online as you remind yourself and others of the good we are all remembering at this important time of year.

[shareable cite=”Abe Stone” text=”Abe Stone”]Stuck for conversation starters to get the thankfulness flowing? Click here to try the questions in this post. 6 Questions to Reconnect You to the Good You Forgot[/shareable]