Is it logical to quit?

I don’t like making mistakes. I prefer doing the right things and doing them well.

Yesterday I accidentally got my schedule mixed up and was late for an appointment and missed it all together. It was not the end of the world. However, the fact being that I don’t like making mistakes, this was not easy. On top of it, it did cost me some money in loss of business. I don’t like loosing money either. This sent me for a tailspin in my mind, kicking myself and labeling myself as a failure and so on. (more…)

Is Willpower Alone Working For You? If Not, Read This

Setting goals and reaching them can be a challenge for most us. I came across a great article with some fun tips for helping to strengthen our will. Seriously, this can be a challenge for the best of us and while the insight below can really help, this is an area of life where some professional coaching can really make a big difference.

by Ali Luke, in Dumb Little Man, Aug. 2, 2011 How often have you tried to achieve a goal that requires a lot of willpower?

How often have you failed?

So many goals can feel almost impossible, because they need a constant commitment to changing our usual ways. If you’re trying to lose weight, get out of debt, cut out the procrastination or even brush your teeth twice a day, you’ve got to keep on making the right choices – and it’s all too easy to let a moment of weakness derail your plans completely. (more…)

Realizing Your Dream!

The power of goal setting cannot be underestimated. It’s been working wonders in my life. I came across a wonderful story that illustrates the principles and gives us a taste of what is possible. It’s from Bob Proctors eBook You Were Born Rich. Enjoy!

Patti’s Cruise

Patti Moir first came to my seminar, with her parents, when she was only eleven years old. By the age of fifteen she was already speaking in the seminars and sharing with the audience the manner in which a concept in the seminar had moved her from failing miserably in French-at school-to honor’s grades (and in a relatively short period of time, to boot!) (more…)

Five Great Questions

I was listening to Robin Sharma‘s life changing audio book The Greatness Guide this morning. In chapter 24 “On Obituaries and the Meaning of Life”, he suggest asking yourself five questions at the end of each day.

When it comes to leading a rich life so much is determined by the quality of the questions we ask. Robin has found in his work as a success coach, that one of the dominant traits of extraordinary people is the discipline of be more reflective than most of us. So ask profound questions. Good questions lead to excellent answers, and greater clarity is the DNA of authentic success and personal greatness.

Here are Robins 5 questions which he suggests have great potential to help you to think deeply and connect with what matters the most. Ask yourself these five questions today, write your answers in your journal, talk about them, think about them.

Did I dream richly?

Did I live fully?

Did I learn to let go?

Did I love well?

Did I tread lightly on the Earth and leave it better than I found it?

These questions have brought some wonderful insight into my life and I’m so happy I’ve been able to spend more time thinking, reflecting and asking the right questions. It is my hope that these questions will help you in some way and enrich you life with more clarity and meaning.

Perception, What is Your Paradigm?

I watched the video by Bob Proctor about perception on the Six Minutes to Success site. I had heard of or read about the topic before, regarding paradigms and the need to be aware of different points of view and how to change them. And felt I got it and was doing fine. Good presentation! I knew it related well to something I have to do today! I accepted that and found five very different unique points of view which I was not accepting, as I was focused on only one. Wow! What and eye opener!

Later I was going through Bob’s articles and I saw one that caught my attention. “It isn’t easy to make money”. Curious, I opened it and started to read. Very good content about the wrong beliefs regarding making money. The funny thing is, that actually, by the end of the article it seemed easy to make money. “What’s wrong with the title”, I thought. I looked again. Whoa, it’s actually titled “It’s easy to make money”. Alarm bells went off!

I realized how little self-awareness I have on the topic of perception. I’ve prided myself in being a very perceptive person, very open and able to see the bigger picture easily. But here I was, I had a very narrow focus obstructing my ability to see anything else, literally. Going back in time a little, I’d been in a thought pattern of lack and concerned about mounting bills and expenses, and not being able to pull out or get on top. I was trying a couple of new ideas to make more money and it was just not happening. So my perception was being influenced by these thoughts and I read words that weren’t even there. Difficulty and lack were my paradigm, my limiting belief.

How many times I must have done this in my life! I’m happy that I stayed with the article long enough to get a different perspective. I could have just spotted the title I thought I saw, agreed with what I thought I read and moved on. But I stayed, looked at the topic a bit more, and by taking time to read and pay attention to what was being said in the article, my perception changed. What’s more important is, that not only did my perception change regarding the article, but I was made aware of how I was filtering things through and negative, limiting belief, which I believe in turn was affecting the results I was getting, and would have continued getting, had I not made this adjustment.

Life is now great and full of opportunities. I’m looking forward to my day and going into it with a new perception. A new belief. A new paradigm. I know things will be different because I’m not holding on to the limitations I was insisting were so real.

A True Story About the Power of Visualization | It Really Works

[guestpost]I want to share a wonderful story today from an old friend of mine, Taylor Stevens, which really inspired me. She’s a mother and an author and she is living a dream she had a long time back. What made this possible? Read the story of her experience and find out. The more we are aware of the wonderful way out minds work the more we are able to us them and lead the lives of our design and choosing. Be inspired![/guestpost]

“At the time, at home with the kids (it made no economical sense to enter the workforce when daycare for two babies would be more than any paycheck I would bring in) I worked odd jobs from home to help supplement the income, and we lived very frugally in a two-bedroom apartment, drove old and used cars, skipped on things like cable, eating out and such, but on one modest income we struggled to pay even the bills we did have.” (more…)

The Riddle of Experience VS. Memory

It’s amazing how the mind works. Nobel laureate and founder of behavioral economics Daniel Kahneman reveals how our “experiencing selves” and our “remembering selves” perceive happiness differently. This new insight has profound implications for economics, public policy — and our own self-awareness.

This is where it comes to the need to understand your paradigm. It helps to ask yourself right questions when it comes to your perspective on the topic of happiness.


Getting Started

How is it that some things, as much as we love the idea of doing them, just take a lot out of us to get going?

Inertia! This is what’s happened to me when working on getting this website going.

I love people and I love working with people. In fact all the work I’ve ever done has involved working with people or helping people in some way. Don’t get me wrong. I’m no saint!

The point is, this site is about what I love and what I do! This site is a key component of where I”m taking my career, yet getting started has been a huge challenge for me. Not because I don’t want to, not because I can’t, not because I don’t have the know-how.

Inertia is the only thing that has kept me from getting going, aside from wanting to have it all figured out before I role with it.

But I’ve made my decision and I know it’s a work in progress but jumping into it with both feel seems to be the only way to make the break. So here I am, with the very first post and I want to encourage you, if there’s something you’re wanting to do but haven’t gotten around to yet, to just go for it.

Make the decision, take action and enjoy the ride. It’s way more exiting than sitting around, waiting for everything to be perfect.