The Control that Makes Your Goals Happen

What is one thing you have absolute control over? Well, you may not be exercising control over it at the moment, or at times, but potentially you are capable of having complete control over this.

This control, which you accept or release, makes the difference between success and failure. That difference can sometimes be measured in a few minutes, a few days, a couple of millimeters, or a few feet. (more…)

4 Insights on Managing Disappointment, Turn Defeat on Its Head

“That’s what happens, when…” “She did this, because…” “It must not have been meant to be, or else…” “Today is going to be a good day, because…” What meaning are you reading into what happens or doesn’t happen in your day, your week, or the last couple of months?

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The brain is an advanced meaning making machine.
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Potentially disappointing situations come up in everyone’s life, but do we really have to be disappointed? What word is the opposite of “disappointment”. It seems many people often say, “It was great. I wasn’t disappointed.” It almost sounds like disappointment was the default. I’d say being pleased by an outcome or experience should be our expectation. (more…)

Forget Managing Stress, Play and Get Smarter

Check out this awesome air orchestra, and try to remember the last time you let your hair down and did something silly.

I remember, when my kids were small, one of our favorite things to do together was turn down the lights in the evening, put on some dancing music, and have a “disco night.” I think I need another dose of that. (more…)

How Leaders Break Through Limited Thinking and Get New Results

Is your life running on autopilot? You deserve recognition for being able to maintain your life, family, or work at the level you have. Kudos! Now, what do you believe could be possible if you got in the driver’s seat?

Sometimes thinking is the last thing in the world you want to do. In the past, my life had largely been a reactionary one and my thinking and decisions were simply done out of necessity in order to manage events and keep my life humming in maintenance mode, following my thoughts, following other’s thoughts and ideas, following the way life happened to turn out. (more…)

5 Things Winners Do When Bad Things Happen

“Oh, my god,” I said, clasping my head in my hands; a look of horror flooding my face. While checking in at the airport I was informed that I had messed up on some paperwork and one of my kids would miss the flight.

I had planned well, prepared way in advance, and made sure everything was in order for the international trip three of my kids would be taking to be with their mother. How could I have been so careless? Now that was a big mistake, and I felt like a huge failure. (more…)

15 Things Not To Believe, and 15 You Might Want To

What are those ideas we call beliefs? Some time ago I thought the only context for them was religious or spiritual. I couldn’t have been more wrong. As it turns out, we are guided by them or held back by them all throughout our lives. What we choose to believe changes everything.

I still remember how years ago, as I started out in the world of coaching, I was amazed to discover the role my beliefs had played in how my life was turning out. There are two broad categories, limiting beliefs and empowering beliefs. The challenge is in learning to recognize them. (more…)

A Story About the Mind’s Ability To Heal the Body, Must See

How accurate are all those stories you’ve heard about the mind healing the body and what is really going on? I was so glad to come across this video from Lissa Rankin, MD. She has been studying this aspect of health and has found some amazing evidence of our mind’s healing power.


While the mind does heal the body, we need others to aid it in the process.  

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Best Seller’s Cure For My Thought Induced Insomnia. Step 3 Was My Key

Thoughts of work or personal matters can have a way of ruining a good night sleep. Do they sometimes wake you in the middle of the night with a flutter of mental activity? At times it’s stress, then at other times interests or excitement over something you can’t wait to do.

Last night was a mixture of both for me, and now, here I am sitting at Starbucks getting a midday boost as I write this.

I had a profound experience this time. There’s a tool that I’ve used successfully in the past, but had forgotten about until last night. As I struggled to stop “thinking” I remembered, “these are my thoughts. I’m the boss.” (more…)