Thought You Were Ready but It Still Sucks

It can be hard to see s#*t coming your way and be ready for it.

In fact, you might have a good idea of what is coming but still not be able to hold yourself together against the wave of emotions or unexpected spinoffs from the challenges hitting you.

When that happens:

  • Find someone to talk to. Don’t go at it alone.
  • Take some time to disconnect from your busy life, whether it be to read, listen to music, or simply walk it out.
  • Don’t make any major life decisions while in the middle of a downturn in your life.
  • Write out your thoughts, feelings, concerns.
  • Remember, this will pass. The sun will come out after the rain.

A friend has always been a lifesaver when I’ve hit bottom. See, the great thing is that when you connect with someone they can often help you remember some of the other things listed here.

5 Quote Images to Reconnect You with What Matters to You Today

There’s a reason I’m listening to the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade on TV in the background as a sit here writing you. I’m waiting for niece to show up there. She is playing in a marching band for one of ten schools chosen nationwide to play this year in New York City.

Being an expat and living practically most of my life away from my home has disconnected me from many of the traditions of my country of birth.

Moving back with my children, to live around my family now, has made me so thankful for them. We can sometimes FORGET how blessed we are, unless we have simple REMINDERS to reconnect us to those special things.

Thanksgiving is one of those awesome holidays that can reconnect us to what is important in life if we LET IT.

I was talking with someone yesterday and they told me about the disappointment their son has experienced. He is married and has begun celebrating Thanksgiving with at wife’s family’s home. Unlike his family, they do not have a tradition of talking about or REFLECTING on what they are thankful for.

I hope that is not the case for you and your loved ones. TALK about what you are thankful for, even if it’s just for a MOMENT in your day or over dinner TODAY.

[shareable text=”Abe Stone”]It’s the moments of GRATITUDE that attract more of what you want into your life.[/shareable]

The parade is understandably a big event for my sister, her husband, and their daughter, but the most beautiful thing is seeing their closeness and support of each other.

I’m thankful for my family!

I’m thankful for YOU!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Enjoy and share online as you remind yourself and others of the good we are all remembering at this important time of year.










[shareable cite=”Abe Stone” text=”Abe Stone”]Stuck for conversation starters to get the thankfulness flowing? Click here to try the questions in this post. 6 Questions to Reconnect You to the Good You Forgot[/shareable]

How to MOVE past obstacles you feel POWERLESS to get over

It’s frustrating when something happens TO YOU, or worse yet someone DOES something to you and you’re stuck, you don’t KNOW what to do. You might not like this but it comes down to what you BELIEVE about that situation.

In the past I’ve actually been stuck for days trying to figure out what to do, because I felt that the other person had the CONTROL or the circumstances were impossible to go against.

Feeling powerless just plain sucks. So, what can you do to get past an obstacle you feel powerless to overcome?  Taking is RESPONSIBILITY is one simple way to CHANGE this belief.

Responsibility for what? Watch the video to find out.

Take care,


P.S.  I’m going strong on Instagram. Definitely join me.

What Would Give You Hope of Getting Over Your Communication Difficulties? [1 Q survey]

Hi friends! I’m so excited.

The new communication course is almost ready for you. The classes are pretty much finished and we are almost a go. I have quick question for YOU today. It’s just TWO CLICKS and you’re done. Yep, just click the title that would MOTIVATE you to get this course and click DONE.

Simple. Right? THANK YOU for taking a moment and sending me your feedback. I’ll let you know when it’s all ready.

Create your own user feedback survey

PS. Did you see the group I posted on FB looking for a few people to HELP review the course and send feedback to make it AWESOME for everyone? Here’s the link if you want to help. Click here to go the Facebook group. Then click JOIN and I’ll authorize you as soon as I can. 🙂 Thanks!


Investing Time in You

With you, my reader, as my main focus, my goal here at CRW has always been to provide the content and tools that are most helpful to YOU.

As I’ve interacted with many of you over past couple of years there have been a few themes that have been coming up regularly. Rather than continuing to post a little here and there on these topics, I decided pick one and put together a practical how to course for you.

The course will help you learn to MANAGE the challenging relationships in your life, discover new ways to COMMUNICATE and CLEAR out some of the negative energy you may be facing in some of your interactions with others, and become a more EFFECTIVE and happier COMMUNICATOR.

[shareable cite=”Abe Stone”]become a more EFFECTIVE and happier COMMUNICATOR[/shareable]

Making TIME TO WORK on this and get it to as soon as possible is now my PRIORITY. To do this I will be putting a pause to my regular video posts, and begin posting shorter posts every week or even twice a week. (you may have noticed this shift already last week) 🙂

I want to HEAR FROM YOU. Please tell, what is one of the biggest COMMUNICATION challenges you feel is weighing you down and taking the JOY out of your RELATIONSHIPS with family, friends, lovers, children, or even work colleagues?

Come over and let’s talk about it on Facebook. COMMENT on the link below:

Please Take My 2016 Reader Survey

I want to be sure that what you are finding in my online space does an awesome job of answering your needs and interests in a personal way. Of course, to even come close, I do need to know more about you. That’s why I’ve put together my 2016 Reader Survey.

Would you please take a few minutes to fill out the survey? You will be helping yourself, by doing so. Why? You will be helping me create more content that is relevant, useful, and interesting.

Your ideas are important to me. The survey is easy to fill out, and the results are completely anonymous. I can’t tell who said what. And you can finish in two minutes.

Yep, I’m Happy to Help. Take Me to the Survey!

Thanks ahead of time for your help.

100 People Who Prove It’s Not Too Late For You To Start Something New [Infographic]

Do you ever get that feeling sometimes that you missed an opportunity? Chances are, you’re probably over 30 and you feel like maybe you could have done something different with your life, or you really wanted to do something but you never got a chance to start.

Maybe you’re over 40 and you say “Oh, there’s no point in starting anything now, there’s no point in doing something new now.”

In this Video:

00:15 – Which One Best Describes You?
00:52 – Chinese Proverb
01:12 – Quote from – F. Scott Fitzgerald
01:30 – Affirmation to Help You Move Forward

Listen To The Audio:


Watch The Video


Relationship Advice You Probably Think You Don’t Want Now

How did you feel when you got dumped? It’s a strange experience and the mess it makes in our brain chemistry is no joke. Though we may not like it and there is definitely no way to reliably prevent it, we may be able to smoothly ride out something as tragic as a divorce.

Some call it the golden rule but in the end it simply comes down to really caring about and loving that person enough to handle the situation with the respect we crave.

In this Video:

00:10 – My first talk of relationships
01:37 – This Shows That You Really Care About Them
02:05 – Did You Get This Backwards?
02:34 – Of Wings and Roots
02:46 – Space to Love

Listen To The Audio:


Watch The Video:
