Make Your Goals Emotionally Powerful, SMART Goals That Rock [Inforgraphic]

Frustration is probably starting to sink in. Are you one for setting New Years resolutions and goals at the beginning of the year? Had BIG ideas filled your head as the freshness of the New Year stirred your bravado? Maybe things are going well, and you’ve just gotten things rolling, or you feel in the groove with your new weight loss program or the business project you put together with your partner. If so, kudos!

As for me I sometimes wonder if I have ADD, or whatever they’re calling it. I tend to think of myself as a pretty upbeat person, always interested in getting involved in something new. It’s the getting started part that always gets me going. Then that idea needs a place to go, some landing gear, but before I know it I’m off to a new challenge. Am I the only one? (more…)

6 Steps You Can Use to Turn Your Desire into Reality

Did your parents tell you to be content with what you have, when you were growing up? Mine did and I know they meant well. Sometimes people ask, “Why can’t you just be happy with your job?” or career, income, status, etc. That desire in your gut is an often misunderstood and maligned part of the healthy you.

Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s essential to be content with what we have. I strongly believe showing gratitude for all the good in our lives is a must if we are continue receiving. However, it is my belief that, to quell desire on its existence alone is a mistake, if we are to grow, develop, and reach our full potential. (more…)

Why You Can’t Rely on Creative Visualization Working for You

Is all this mind stuff just a hoax? Are all these thought gurus just telling us what we want to hear and making a profit on it? I get hit with these kind of  questions too. Using mind tools, when there is so much work to be done can seem like a waste of time and an unhealthy distraction.

Being in the middle of a life direction shift and a career adjustment has got me looking at so many areas of my life. The crazy thing is that, I have had it quite good. I’ve done things I’ve enjoyed and experienced a relatively meaningful life of contribution.

Now I’m looking for more. I’m at a point were I need to grow and reach the next stage development in my life. After the age of 40 it can be hard to see how to change and shift in the new direction I feel drawn to. (more…)

Ask, “Really?” and Take Charge

It happened. The unexpected came to pass and now you’re screwed. Really? Something happened. So what? Are you gonna go through door number one, door number two or door number three? As crazy at it may seem, you’ve simply been presented with   choice.

Yes, those crazy things that come at us can be so frustrating. Problems may come from our boss or a relative, or even a complete stranger. Maybe there it’s just a failure or mistake on our part. In the end there’s nothing you or I can do about what happens.

This is the fascinating thing though, we always have a choice in how we react. Our mind is an incredible meaning machine. (more…)

You Are Not the Problem – Got It?

What happened? Where did you go wrong? What’s got you thinking, “Now that’s a problem”? I know I hate the feeling, when I realize I have a problem. Why is that?

We can get emotionally caught up, trying to figure out what’s wrong with us. I know I do. Self-talk kicks in.

I’m too late.

I can’t do this after all.

I don’t have what it takes.

I’m such a failure.

Something funny started happening to me recently. My thinking has shifted, and I’m slowly starting to feel challenged and excited by problems. This didn’t come overnight. (more…)

Persist Just Beyond the Point You’d Have Given Up

Sometimes I just wish life would be simpler, but I’ve come to realize, the things that challenge us, help us grow. I laugh when I think of what Bob Proctor said: “If you know what to do to reach your goal, it’s not a big enough goal.” Funny but true!

Photo courtesy of

Trimming the fat around my mid section has been a solid goal of mine for over a year now. It became important to me for several reasons and one of the most important is, I felt it was a reflection of my health not being in tip-top shape. (I wrote a post on this topic.)

I plan to be around as long as possible, to enjoy this gift of a life, and I would say the most emotionally powerful reason for me is that I want to be around for my family and love ones as long as I can.


How a Super Star Tackles Fear in Acting, With a Coach’s Insight

I often prefer not to have to face a problem or difficulty.

Many of us shrink at the first sign of fear in our minds or hearts. We can tend to opt for the flight option in our instinctive fight or flight response. True, it is safer! Besides, what if we fail?

Our flawed thinking is that we can just skip that a failure and move on to a success. In the end the question I like to ask is:

Do I want to stay where I am, or do I want growth and change?


The Truth About How Failure Changes Everything

A natural reaction to failure can be to pull back and not try again. Having been negatively affected by failure, it’s easy to feel we’re doing the right thing when we try to help others or our children avoid failure and not end up in difficult situations.

The moment I fail, I know I’m at the point of a breakthrough in learning. It’s the point where the new me emerges.

– Robert Kiyosaki

Author of  Rich Dad  Poor Dad


My 8 years old daughter walked up to me with her iPad in her hand, looking a little down. She had accidentally changed a setting and was locked out of being able make changes to the apps she had installed. She is a naturally curious person and in all her exploring on the iPad she had set a restricting password and forgot it.