Maximizing the Potential of Those You Manage

Getting on the same page with your team can be frustrating. Do you ever find yourself thinking “How could I have been any clearer, about what I wanted to them to do?” or  “Why can’t they just do this one simple thing?” Managing people, parenting or communicating in general can really test our patience sometimes.

My friend, a business owner and a mother, asked me if I had a book I could recommend, which might help her in management. She could have just done a quick Google search and found something right away.

But she asked me, a coach, and yes, I did have a book in mind. More importantly I felt that I had some tools which are incredibly helpful in any sphere where we work and communicate with people. (more…)

3 Easy Coaching Tips You Can Use to Help Anyone

As a parent and a life coach I was not able to get myself to make that leap and bring coaching into my family circle. Seeing the benefits in the lives of my clients should have been reason enough to share this treasure with my kids, but I wasn’t. I believe the main reason was, old habits die hard. I was brought to my knees, not by my child, but by the magnitude of what she was dealing with, even at a young age. My usual parenting style was not working, I gave up and put on my coaching hat.

Raising a family is no small matter and one day I was overwhelmed by all their needs and I was focusing on their schooling. I was concerned about my preteen daughter in particular. Last school year she didn’t seem to be enjoying school or doing very well with her grades. I knew she needed to start with a change in her attitude and in her ability to learn how to relax and enjoy school. (more…)

The Riddle of Experience VS. Memory

It’s amazing how the mind works. Nobel laureate and founder of behavioral economics Daniel Kahneman reveals how our “experiencing selves” and our “remembering selves” perceive happiness differently. This new insight has profound implications for economics, public policy — and our own self-awareness.

This is where it comes to the need to understand your paradigm. It helps to ask yourself right questions when it comes to your perspective on the topic of happiness.


Getting Started

How is it that some things, as much as we love the idea of doing them, just take a lot out of us to get going?

Inertia! This is what’s happened to me when working on getting this website going.

I love people and I love working with people. In fact all the work I’ve ever done has involved working with people or helping people in some way. Don’t get me wrong. I’m no saint!

The point is, this site is about what I love and what I do! This site is a key component of where I”m taking my career, yet getting started has been a huge challenge for me. Not because I don’t want to, not because I can’t, not because I don’t have the know-how.

Inertia is the only thing that has kept me from getting going, aside from wanting to have it all figured out before I role with it.

But I’ve made my decision and I know it’s a work in progress but jumping into it with both feel seems to be the only way to make the break. So here I am, with the very first post and I want to encourage you, if there’s something you’re wanting to do but haven’t gotten around to yet, to just go for it.

Make the decision, take action and enjoy the ride. It’s way more exiting than sitting around, waiting for everything to be perfect.