35 Habits Productive People Use that Help You Get More Done (I Have 23) [Infographic]

What do productive people do to get that way? I know productivity isn’t everything in life, but it sure is important. A good friend of mine showed me this info-graphic recently. Her comment was “It made me think of you.”  I was surprised to find that I actually do 23 of the things listed here.

I can’t say that the whole list resonates with me, or that I would recommend them all.

As a coach I see several things on this list I use to work with clients. See if you can spot them. Be sure to check it out and see which ones can add value to your life. (more…)

A True Story About the Power of Visualization | It Really Works

[guestpost]I want to share a wonderful story today from an old friend of mine, Taylor Stevens, which really inspired me. She’s a mother and an author and she is living a dream she had a long time back. What made this possible? Read the story of her experience and find out. The more we are aware of the wonderful way out minds work the more we are able to us them and lead the lives of our design and choosing. Be inspired![/guestpost]

“At the time, at home with the kids (it made no economical sense to enter the workforce when daycare for two babies would be more than any paycheck I would bring in) I worked odd jobs from home to help supplement the income, and we lived very frugally in a two-bedroom apartment, drove old and used cars, skipped on things like cable, eating out and such, but on one modest income we struggled to pay even the bills we did have.” (more…)

Getting Started

How is it that some things, as much as we love the idea of doing them, just take a lot out of us to get going?

Inertia! This is what’s happened to me when working on getting this website going.

I love people and I love working with people. In fact all the work I’ve ever done has involved working with people or helping people in some way. Don’t get me wrong. I’m no saint!

The point is, this site is about what I love and what I do! This site is a key component of where I”m taking my career, yet getting started has been a huge challenge for me. Not because I don’t want to, not because I can’t, not because I don’t have the know-how.

Inertia is the only thing that has kept me from getting going, aside from wanting to have it all figured out before I role with it.

But I’ve made my decision and I know it’s a work in progress but jumping into it with both feel seems to be the only way to make the break. So here I am, with the very first post and I want to encourage you, if there’s something you’re wanting to do but haven’t gotten around to yet, to just go for it.

Make the decision, take action and enjoy the ride. It’s way more exiting than sitting around, waiting for everything to be perfect.