Why You Can’t Rely on Creative Visualization Working for You

Is all this mind stuff just a hoax? Are all these thought gurus just telling us what we want to hear and making a profit on it? I get hit with these kind of  questions too. Using mind tools, when there is so much work to be done can seem like a waste of time and an unhealthy distraction.

Being in the middle of a life direction shift and a career adjustment has got me looking at so many areas of my life. The crazy thing is that, I have had it quite good. I’ve done things I’ve enjoyed and experienced a relatively meaningful life of contribution.

Now I’m looking for more. I’m at a point were I need to grow and reach the next stage development in my life. After the age of 40 it can be hard to see how to change and shift in the new direction I feel drawn to. (more…)

Feeling Sexy? Fire Up Your Genius

Yep, there’s more to do with that sexy feeling than… well, you know. Great fun and pleasure! And in addition to nurturing your intimate relationship, it can actually transform your work, activate your creativity and yes even impact your bank account. Sounds more like a turn off. I know! But hear me out.

Those days after a great date or an intimate night with our lover or significant other can be some of the best days of our lives. I know I’ve had incredibly productive days in that state. Walking on cloud 9. I don’t need to convince you of that. I’m sure you’ve experienced it for yourself.

This, often misunderstood, aspect of our lives provides us with an invaluable resource. In his landmark book Napoleon Hill made an incredible connection between sexuality and our mental faculties. He said:

The human mind responds to stimuli, through which it may be “keyed up” to high rates of vibration, known as enthusiasm, creative imagination, intense desire, etc.

He listed 10 mental stimulants in his book Think and Grow Rich. At the top of the list, as the most powerful, is sex, followed by others which included, love, music and auto-suggestion, also known as affirmations.

What these things do is, increase the frequency of the vibration of the mind. Viola, you are connected to new thoughts and potential, a genius state if you will, otherwise inaccessible in your ordinary state of mind.

Sex desire is the most powerful of human desires. When driven by this desire,

[people] develop

You Are Not the Problem – Got It?

What happened? Where did you go wrong? What’s got you thinking, “Now that’s a problem”? I know I hate the feeling, when I realize I have a problem. Why is that?

We can get emotionally caught up, trying to figure out what’s wrong with us. I know I do. Self-talk kicks in.

I’m too late.

I can’t do this after all.

I don’t have what it takes.

I’m such a failure.

Something funny started happening to me recently. My thinking has shifted, and I’m slowly starting to feel challenged and excited by problems. This didn’t come overnight. (more…)

A Key Ingredient for Reaching Your Goals

A young gentleman called me a few weeks ago saying: “Hi Katrin is there a book you would recommend to me about success or anything of that sort?” I thought, “hmm ‘anything of that sort’ sounds rather general”. Even ‘success’ sounds broad and undefined. What is success anyway? I’d suppose success has as many different definitions as there are people, as for each one of us success takes on a different meaning.

What does it take for you to feel successful?

Commonly success is referred to achieving some desired outcome or goal which allows the person to have something in their life which they value, such as more money, or position, a dream relationship, or the body shape that makes them feel attractive, or something else. Immediately they focus on figuring out what they need to DO in order to HAVE what they want. Yet a few weeks down the line, in spite of working hard to do what others advise them to, you might see them back at square one, despondently claiming “nothing works”.


Experiencing Intention and a Six-pack to Boot

How are those New Years resolutions doing? I personally didn’t bother this year as I didn’t want to keep adding to my list of failures. Ha!

I know that doesn’t sound politically correct, but instead I wanted to know that I was making commitments and setting goals I would accomplish. Don’t get me wrong. I love the way the year starts, fresh, and full of promises but getting caught up in the excitement of the new and making a long list of things we want to change doesn’t seem to cut it for most people. And I am no exception. (more…)

Is it logical to quit?

I don’t like making mistakes. I prefer doing the right things and doing them well.

Yesterday I accidentally got my schedule mixed up and was late for an appointment and missed it all together. It was not the end of the world. However, the fact being that I don’t like making mistakes, this was not easy. On top of it, it did cost me some money in loss of business. I don’t like loosing money either. This sent me for a tailspin in my mind, kicking myself and labeling myself as a failure and so on. (more…)

Realizing Your Dream!

The power of goal setting cannot be underestimated. It’s been working wonders in my life. I came across a wonderful story that illustrates the principles and gives us a taste of what is possible. It’s from Bob Proctors eBook You Were Born Rich. Enjoy!

Patti’s Cruise

Patti Moir first came to my seminar, with her parents, when she was only eleven years old. By the age of fifteen she was already speaking in the seminars and sharing with the audience the manner in which a concept in the seminar had moved her from failing miserably in French-at school-to honor’s grades (and in a relatively short period of time, to boot!) (more…)