Why You Can’t Rely on Creative Visualization Working for You

Is all this mind stuff just a hoax? Are all these thought gurus just telling us what we want to hear and making a profit on it? I get hit with these kind of  questions too. Using mind tools, when there is so much work to be done can seem like a waste of time and an unhealthy distraction.

Being in the middle of a life direction shift and a career adjustment has got me looking at so many areas of my life. The crazy thing is that, I have had it quite good. I’ve done things I’ve enjoyed and experienced a relatively meaningful life of contribution.

Now I’m looking for more. I’m at a point were I need to grow and reach the next stage development in my life. After the age of 40 it can be hard to see how to change and shift in the new direction I feel drawn to. (more…)

The Readings On Your Internal GPS – Align Your Actions with Your Values

The values we hold in side of us are what motivate us to move in a certain direction. Values are also the private rules by which people live their lives. The set of values a person holds to in a certain area of life is like the little motor, so to speak, which propels the boat of a person’s life. When people disconnect from their values or don’t honor them, the boat of their lives simply goes adrift on the sea of existence.

Values are not what we want, but something intrinsic which you absolutely need in your life in order to be true to yourself. – Cherry Claus (more…)

Maximizing the Potential of Those You Manage

Getting on the same page with your team can be frustrating. Do you ever find yourself thinking “How could I have been any clearer, about what I wanted to them to do?” or  “Why can’t they just do this one simple thing?” Managing people, parenting or communicating in general can really test our patience sometimes.

My friend, a business owner and a mother, asked me if I had a book I could recommend, which might help her in management. She could have just done a quick Google search and found something right away.

But she asked me, a coach, and yes, I did have a book in mind. More importantly I felt that I had some tools which are incredibly helpful in any sphere where we work and communicate with people. (more…)

6 Simple Steps For Creating Laser Focus Using Lists

If you’re like me you probably have more things on your to-do list than you can possibly accomplish in a week much less in a day. It can be very frustrating to achieve the level of focus necessary to make consistent progress towards a goal or a dream.

Photo courtesy of www.istockphoto.com

I find that this is something a coach has helped me with a fair bit, over time. However coaching is not always available, so here’s a simple self-coaching tool you can employ for consistently creating focus in your work. It’s from a role model of mine Earl Nightingale and was first attributed to Ivy Lea who was paid $25,000 by Charles Schwab once he tried it out. (more…)

A Simple Introduction To How Meditation Works With a Rubik’s Cube

Today I came across this insightful video explaining meditation with a Rubik’s Cube. It got me thinking. So many people find meditation a bit of a challenge to use much less understand. I was one of those people for years. I’ve come to use meditation every day now. Personally I needed someone to explain it to me and help me understand what was happening and how it works. For me that was the Silva Method. I’m a very practical person so the science of it made sense. (more…)

3 Easy Coaching Tips You Can Use to Help Anyone

As a parent and a life coach I was not able to get myself to make that leap and bring coaching into my family circle. Seeing the benefits in the lives of my clients should have been reason enough to share this treasure with my kids, but I wasn’t. I believe the main reason was, old habits die hard. I was brought to my knees, not by my child, but by the magnitude of what she was dealing with, even at a young age. My usual parenting style was not working, I gave up and put on my coaching hat.

Raising a family is no small matter and one day I was overwhelmed by all their needs and I was focusing on their schooling. I was concerned about my preteen daughter in particular. Last school year she didn’t seem to be enjoying school or doing very well with her grades. I knew she needed to start with a change in her attitude and in her ability to learn how to relax and enjoy school. (more…)

Coaching is for Achievers

A friend of mine told me of a girl he knew who had been working with a coach. She only recently discovered what coaching is all about and was very inspired to notice how it was making a difference for her. She shared her enthusiasm about having a coach with some friends of hers. One of them who claimed to know about coaching apparently replied with a comment along the lines of: “Oh, it’s so commendable, dear, to hear you being honest and open about having a coach. Most people don’t want others to know when they are receiving help.” The girl was taken aback a bit by the remark and went back to my friend full of questions why someone would have such a perspective on coaching.

When I heard her story I felt rather saddened by this apparent misconception of what coaching is all about.


Realizing Your Dream!

The power of goal setting cannot be underestimated. It’s been working wonders in my life. I came across a wonderful story that illustrates the principles and gives us a taste of what is possible. It’s from Bob Proctors eBook You Were Born Rich. Enjoy!

Patti’s Cruise

Patti Moir first came to my seminar, with her parents, when she was only eleven years old. By the age of fifteen she was already speaking in the seminars and sharing with the audience the manner in which a concept in the seminar had moved her from failing miserably in French-at school-to honor’s grades (and in a relatively short period of time, to boot!) (more…)