6 Ways You Want to Rejuvenate Your Spirit

I was recently turned on to a TV series I had not yet seen. What do you think happened next? Yep, I went into binge watching mode. There is just something about getting caught up to the current episode and getting caught up by the series itself.

Something happened over those days, when I filled the spare moments and down time with watching. It seemed to take over more that just my spare time. Oh, I was having a great time in the play arena, and isn’t that an important part of self-care and work/life balance?


How To Be Free From Worry Now!

It is such a drag when thoughts, worries, and concerns override your mind and highjack your emotions. You even end up doing things you hadn’t intended on doing.

In this episode:

00:30 – Struggle with self-doubt?
00:58 – The great story machine
01:25 – How paradigms hold us back
01:52 – The key to releasing your mind from worry
02:34 – Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now
03:06 – No longer trapped in your mind
03:42 – Let it go
04:02 – Affirmation to move you forward



Why You Need a Crisis to Change – Or Do You?

I was shocked when I read this line in a post yesterday, “Your brain isn’t just resistant to change; it’s lazy.” I thought about it a bit more and I realised, in a way, it is true.

You have an autopilot control in your brain that is well able to take you as safely as possible through life. It does this in response to the world around you and more important in alignment with the mental image you have developed of yourself and your life over your lifetime.

Last week someone I’m close to pulled back from our relationship. At first I tried to communicate but she responded with the comment, “I’m just having an off day, don’t take it personal.”


3 Easy Steps to Save Yourself From Stress and Burnout

When it comes to joy-killers, stress has a way of zapping any energy reserves you may have. Fun or pleasure may be the last thing you are able to think about, while the concerns that are stressing you are still in your head.

A friend of mine texted me the other day asking if I had any tips for relieving stress. She is self-employed and runs a small English teaching business. Of course she also puts a lot of care and time into raising her family, keeping in good communication with friends and relatives, and investing in her marriage. Any of these things could take up all her time. (more…)

How To Solve Problems in 6 Steps

Often, we may experience emotional hijacking when problems show up, especially if they catch us by surprise.  Whether personal or work related,we are often so overwhelmed by the thoughts and feelings of the moment, we may not see the solutions clearly. How do we keep that from getting us stuck?

No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” 
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Albert Einstein


5 Benefits to Waking Up Early and How to Make It Happen (Infographic)

Why would anyone want to get up early? Really! Given a choice, it seems that many of us would prefer to savor those early morning moments in deep sleep. Besides, those late nights are so packed with fun and down-time possibilities. If you want to give it a try here are some tips for getting up early.

This How to Wake Up Early infographic was originally posted at Entrepreneur.com

I’ll  tell you what gets me to rise ‘n shine.  This isn’t for everyone, so consider yourself warned and stop reading right here, if you don’t care to begin getting up early. I mean it! (more…)

Forget Managing Stress, Play and Get Smarter

Check out this awesome air orchestra, and try to remember the last time you let your hair down and did something silly.

I remember, when my kids were small, one of our favorite things to do together was turn down the lights in the evening, put on some dancing music, and have a “disco night.” I think I need another dose of that. (more…)