How To Be Free From Worry Now!

It is such a drag when thoughts, worries, and concerns override your mind and highjack your emotions. You even end up doing things you hadn’t intended on doing.

In this episode:

00:30 – Struggle with self-doubt?
00:58 – The great story machine
01:25 – How paradigms hold us back
01:52 – The key to releasing your mind from worry
02:34 – Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now
03:06 – No longer trapped in your mind
03:42 – Let it go
04:02 – Affirmation to move you forward



How Exercise Makes You Happier and Smarter

What can you do to stop feeling guilty about your level of fitness? Only recently have I finally started to get into the best shape of my life and I’m 42 years old.

I hear you saying, “Setting and accomplishing a goal like this is tough.” I’ll give you some tips you can start using today, which have turned my life around. Before I do, can you guess what is one of the biggest factors that made this change in my life possible? (more…)

How To Solve Problems in 6 Steps

Often, we may experience emotional hijacking when problems show up, especially if they catch us by surprise.  Whether personal or work related,we are often so overwhelmed by the thoughts and feelings of the moment, we may not see the solutions clearly. How do we keep that from getting us stuck?

No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” 
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Albert Einstein


How Leaders Break Through Limited Thinking and Get New Results

Is your life running on autopilot? You deserve recognition for being able to maintain your life, family, or work at the level you have. Kudos! Now, what do you believe could be possible if you got in the driver’s seat?

Sometimes thinking is the last thing in the world you want to do. In the past, my life had largely been a reactionary one and my thinking and decisions were simply done out of necessity in order to manage events and keep my life humming in maintenance mode, following my thoughts, following other’s thoughts and ideas, following the way life happened to turn out. (more…)

5 Things Winners Do When Bad Things Happen

“Oh, my god,” I said, clasping my head in my hands; a look of horror flooding my face. While checking in at the airport I was informed that I had messed up on some paperwork and one of my kids would miss the flight.

I had planned well, prepared way in advance, and made sure everything was in order for the international trip three of my kids would be taking to be with their mother. How could I have been so careless? Now that was a big mistake, and I felt like a huge failure. (more…)

Free Up Your Emotional Resources NOW, Think Clearer, Conquer Time Management

Some of my favorite bloggers post short, to the point, posts. What is it about those short concise posts that grabs us and keeps us going back for more? I think it comes down to time. Time is a finite commodity. When it’s gone there’s no refill.

The only time we can do anything about is now. Today, time was slipping away from me in frustration over some technical problems I was facing. A little later, when reading The Power of Now for the second time, this all changed. Here’s my take-away for you. (more…)

15 Things Not To Believe, and 15 You Might Want To

What are those ideas we call beliefs? Some time ago I thought the only context for them was religious or spiritual. I couldn’t have been more wrong. As it turns out, we are guided by them or held back by them all throughout our lives. What we choose to believe changes everything.

I still remember how years ago, as I started out in the world of coaching, I was amazed to discover the role my beliefs had played in how my life was turning out. There are two broad categories, limiting beliefs and empowering beliefs. The challenge is in learning to recognize them. (more…)

Make Your Goals Emotionally Powerful, SMART Goals That Rock [Inforgraphic]

Frustration is probably starting to sink in. Are you one for setting New Years resolutions and goals at the beginning of the year? Had BIG ideas filled your head as the freshness of the New Year stirred your bravado? Maybe things are going well, and you’ve just gotten things rolling, or you feel in the groove with your new weight loss program or the business project you put together with your partner. If so, kudos!

As for me I sometimes wonder if I have ADD, or whatever they’re calling it. I tend to think of myself as a pretty upbeat person, always interested in getting involved in something new. It’s the getting started part that always gets me going. Then that idea needs a place to go, some landing gear, but before I know it I’m off to a new challenge. Am I the only one? (more…)