3 Secrets to Giving Your Child a Good Start in Life

Admiring my first little baby girl, as I sat next to wife, I couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed by task ahead. At the time we were worried about a thumb size strawberry birthmark on her cheek and how that might bring her unwanted attention, or hardship. Other kids can be cruel.

Every parent is different in how they feel about their baby and the challenges they will face, but one thing we all have in common is that we all want the best for our kids. We often feel we may be inadequate in caring for them and giving them the best.


4 Things Confident, Imperfect People Do To Keep Their Integrity

Have you ever answered something like, “Honey, I’m just around the corner, see you in three minutes,” when your mate calls you on your way home, but you’re actually about 10 minutes out? Guilty here.

A podcaster I heard talked about how we live in a culture where lying is the norm, though we honor integrity.

There are other areas where our integrity is questionable. How about loosing our temper and pretending it’s okay or justified. How can you navigate the challenge of growing and improving with integrity, while being an inherently flawed person?

In this Video:

00:30 – Who are You Trying to Please?
00:48 – How You Can Answer People Who Expect You To Be Perfect
01:15 – Being Flawed with Integrity
01:55 – This Will Mean a Lot To You, but It’s Hard
02:25 – This Is Kindergarten Wisdom
02:40 – The Imperfect Parent
03:16 – Not Everyone Will Be Your BFF
03:48 – Quote from – Zig Ziglar
04:15 – Affirmation to Help You Move Forward

Listen To The Audio:


Watch The Video


Learning How Achievers Keep Moving Forward

I can imagine that there is something in your life that you’ve come up against recently that you just don’t know how to do. You don’t know what is needed, what steps to take, or how to find a solution for it.

What is the secret to continue making it past those sticky points in life or business?

In this episode:

00:30 – Personal story about learning in youth
01:00 – Start by taking immediate action and letting go
01:30 – Reaching the limit of my skill and ability
02:19 – Met someone who set me on a path of learning
02:57 – Things get easier if you stop to learn from others
03:18 – Keep investing time and resources into learning
03:32 – Learners inherit the earth – Eric Hoffer
04:32 – Affirmation to move you forward in learning


Watch the Video:

(Update: Please excuse the lack of clarity in my opening comments… learning, learning, learning!)

3 Steps To Navigating Communication You Dread [Video]

I answered the phone and my friend was on the other end, falling apart, in despair over serious communication issues with someone she is close to. In the end she had two basic choices, first start a line of open communication or second, part ways. I’m a little sad that she chose the latter.

In this episode:

00:58 – What are those situations like?
01:20 – Simple start, use these 2 words
01:58 – It’s been defused, Yes!
02:09 – Now it’s your turn
02:20 – Own your feelings
02:31 – The request
03:00 – Meeting their need
03:19 – Twain’s funny quote
03:40 – Affirmation to move you forward



Why You Need a Crisis to Change – Or Do You?

I was shocked when I read this line in a post yesterday, “Your brain isn’t just resistant to change; it’s lazy.” I thought about it a bit more and I realised, in a way, it is true.

You have an autopilot control in your brain that is well able to take you as safely as possible through life. It does this in response to the world around you and more important in alignment with the mental image you have developed of yourself and your life over your lifetime.

Last week someone I’m close to pulled back from our relationship. At first I tried to communicate but she responded with the comment, “I’m just having an off day, don’t take it personal.”


7 Habits to Boost Your Productivity [Infographic]

Do you ever feel annoyed after starting a day, full of hope and expectation, only to have it unravel as time seems to slip through your fingers? Check out this infographic which embraces a set of mental adjustments and practical steps you may want to experiment with on your pathway to success.

Infographic courtesy of HiTask.com

I have found that, though there are some key tenets to productivity, there a variety of ways to get to a productive state and it is important for each of us to discover what works for us personally. (Read Getting Things Done)

While I agree with the bulk of this list, I think there is something to be said for hard work. While day 3 promotes working smarter and not harder, I believe it is in the balance between the two were we will find success.


“Aha!” Moments of 16 Achievers – Are You Next? [Infographic]

Oprah has made “Aha!” moments famous, but what really are “Aha!” moments? Perhaps you’ve had one of your own, or maybe several.

Notice how some of the aha moments in this infographic where experienced when people where faced with a difficulty which they didn’t allow to stop them. In fact, it was the opposite, they used it to move in a new direction. They not only overcame the difficulty for themselves but they also helped others in the process.


3 Easy Steps to Save Yourself From Stress and Burnout

When it comes to joy-killers, stress has a way of zapping any energy reserves you may have. Fun or pleasure may be the last thing you are able to think about, while the concerns that are stressing you are still in your head.

A friend of mine texted me the other day asking if I had any tips for relieving stress. She is self-employed and runs a small English teaching business. Of course she also puts a lot of care and time into raising her family, keeping in good communication with friends and relatives, and investing in her marriage. Any of these things could take up all her time. (more…)