Find Your Key To Experiencing Unstoppable Progress Toward Your Goal

It can be embarrassing, or at least discouraging, to set a goal, work towards it, and and fail to reach it. At some point, in anything that we are doing, there seems to be a challenge getting started and staying focused.

You want to build up that momentum and somehow you seem to lose it almost as soon as you get started. What do you do in situations like this?

In this Video:

00:20 – Losing Momentum
00:40 – The Power of Momentum
01:00 – My Fitness Journey
01:36 – Where the Journey Would Die
02:02 – Engineering Success
04:12 – Make Small Attainable Targets
04:30 – Two Things You Need To Have
05:00 – Quote from Tony Robins
05:12 – Affirmation to Help You Move Forward

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Are You Forgetting These Key Areas For Experiencing a Balanced Life?

Have you ever had those mornings where you wake up and things seem a little bit funny? You are not sure what it is, you cannot put your finger on it.

You know what you need to do, you’re kind of okay with what is going on but something is not right. It’s a little bit of a nagging sensation that you have in the background?

In this episode:

00:25 – Life Balance Wheel
01:15 – Career
01:22 – Money
01:33 – Health
01:39 – Friends and Family
01:58 – Significant Other/Romance
02:08 – Personal Growth
02:25 – Fun and Recreation
02:42 – Physical Environment
03:00 – Using the Life Balance Wheel
03:50 – Action Task
04:18 – What is happiness?
04:32 – Affirmation for harmony and Balance



Tired Of Fitting In? Or, Being You?

Have you ever tried looking into your own eyes in the mirror and giving yourself a sincere compliment? How about trying this, look at yourself in the mirror and sincerely say, “I love you!”

This exercise makes a lot of people uncomfortable. Maybe it’s because of social norms, religious upbringing, or simply from something you believe about yourself that was passed on to you from your parents or caregivers, but that’s a talk for another time.

Right now I want you to be you, and be happy being you.

In This Episode

00:35 – To be or not to be? What will people think?
01:08 – Don’t try to be who you are not
01:38 – Being authentic
01:59 – Getting in debt just to impress and fit in
03:05 – Validation short film
03:57 – Change comes from the inside
04:32 – Observe your self talk
05:13 – Action task: 5-15 min assignment
06:02 – Stop comparing

06:30 – Affirmation to move you forward



7 Habits to Boost Your Productivity [Infographic]

Do you ever feel annoyed after starting a day, full of hope and expectation, only to have it unravel as time seems to slip through your fingers? Check out this infographic which embraces a set of mental adjustments and practical steps you may want to experiment with on your pathway to success.

Infographic courtesy of

I have found that, though there are some key tenets to productivity, there a variety of ways to get to a productive state and it is important for each of us to discover what works for us personally. (Read Getting Things Done)

While I agree with the bulk of this list, I think there is something to be said for hard work. While day 3 promotes working smarter and not harder, I believe it is in the balance between the two were we will find success.


“Aha!” Moments of 16 Achievers – Are You Next? [Infographic]

Oprah has made “Aha!” moments famous, but what really are “Aha!” moments? Perhaps you’ve had one of your own, or maybe several.

Notice how some of the aha moments in this infographic where experienced when people where faced with a difficulty which they didn’t allow to stop them. In fact, it was the opposite, they used it to move in a new direction. They not only overcame the difficulty for themselves but they also helped others in the process.


3 Easy Steps to Save Yourself From Stress and Burnout

When it comes to joy-killers, stress has a way of zapping any energy reserves you may have. Fun or pleasure may be the last thing you are able to think about, while the concerns that are stressing you are still in your head.

A friend of mine texted me the other day asking if I had any tips for relieving stress. She is self-employed and runs a small English teaching business. Of course she also puts a lot of care and time into raising her family, keeping in good communication with friends and relatives, and investing in her marriage. Any of these things could take up all her time. (more…)

How Exercise Makes You Happier and Smarter

What can you do to stop feeling guilty about your level of fitness? Only recently have I finally started to get into the best shape of my life and I’m 42 years old.

I hear you saying, “Setting and accomplishing a goal like this is tough.” I’ll give you some tips you can start using today, which have turned my life around. Before I do, can you guess what is one of the biggest factors that made this change in my life possible? (more…)

The Control that Makes Your Goals Happen

What is one thing you have absolute control over? Well, you may not be exercising control over it at the moment, or at times, but potentially you are capable of having complete control over this.

This control, which you accept or release, makes the difference between success and failure. That difference can sometimes be measured in a few minutes, a few days, a couple of millimeters, or a few feet. (more…)